Monday, 26 February 2007

Sixth date

The date that was planned in haste, over whispered phone conversations during our lunch hour, plotting ways to finally sleep together. To do what we had wanted to do since the first time we laid eyes on each other but there was never the opportunity.
And if you think the first time was all romance and flowers, think again. The event was mapped out with military precision. We only had a few hours together (nope, not even a whole night, the unfairness of it all) so a room was booked, condoms were bought and we had a couple of drinks to settle the nerves before getting down to things. Thing is, writing about it now makes it seem so business-like and dispassionate, but we had to be cold and cynical and calculated about the whole thing or we would have never been able to get it sorted. Unlike regular couples, who can be spontaneous, everything we do has to be thought out... and although we did try to make the actual act as unemotional as possible, it's pretty difficult to do that when you're both naked together for the first time and all you want to do is grab each other and melt into one person.
And the weirdest thing was that there was no weirdness. It felt like the most natural thing in the world, there was no shyness, no awkwardness. We had sex, we had a chat, we had more sex, talked some more, fell asleep for a little while and then had sex again. And then had to face the check-out clerk downstairs when we fled in the middle of the night... laughing all the way to the trains. It was perfect. Not long enough but it gave me even more of an appetite for him.

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