Thursday, 10 May 2007

Floating around in a dream

The cloud of doom mentioned in a previous post doesn't seem to want to shift, no matter what I do. Maybe it's just a normal fact of life that one can't be happy-clappy all the time. It does make me wonder though, why, in the past, a simple text or email from him could make me smile but now I seem to want more.

I had a really good discussion about sex with my flatmate last night. We were talking about the whole 'putting out' on a first date and he seemed to think that it was okay for a girl to do that, as long as she didn't expect the guy to take her seriously in any way. Part of me agrees with him, but then, another part thinks its the whole double standard thing rearing its ugly head again. Why is it okay for a bloke to sleep around but not for a girl?

Also, he seemed really surprised when I told him that girls also have the ability to view guys as purely sexual objects. After all, if you sleep with me on the first date, you no longer hold any mystery to me. In fact, you will be, in my mind, classified as a fuck, rather than a friend, or even a fuck friend.

Which brings me neatly to the whole sitch with the other guy. We are currently miring in some sort of 'grey area, where we're not actually a couple, but neither are we fuck friends. So when we see each other and hang out, it's all holding hands, kissing, lying on laps and such like but there's no real substance to what we do.

Does the fact that we communicate everyday mean that there's something more than straight fucking going on? Or does it mean fuck all? Confusion reigns.

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