Friday 27 April 2007

I really don't...

... understand this guy at all. He text me yesterday asking when my flatmate is back from holiday as we were going to met up this weekend and continue from where we left off last weekend (that's another post!). Now, we can't use my flat so I suggested going to his and this was his reply:
"My flatmate's mum is coming over so my place is not really going to cut it. I was hoping we could hang out at yours but looks like it we may have to cancel this weekend."

Now tell me what I'm meant to think. He's met my flatmate, he's chilled out in my flat, he's walked around the town I live in and we bumped into so many people that I had to fend off questions the next time I ventured out and yet, I can't go to his flat because his flatmate's mum is around. I am pissed off with him because I don't understand why he can't see me with other people around.

And I don't like being like this and feeling this way. In the beginning of this whole sordid affair, I was constantly happy and buzzing and I think it's because we were both seeing other people at the time. Now all he does is disappoint me. And it's not what I signed up for. I am going to end it.

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